Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Lines on the death of James L. Henry" by M. (1842)


On the death of JAMES L. HENRY.

O ye heavenly angels your wings spread space,

        And convey consolation most healing to those,

Now bewailing for him whom they ne'er can replace;

        For he sleeps in delightful and placid repose.

'Tis a husband, a father, protector, and friend,

        That Jehovah, the Great, has been pleased to recall,

From this valley of tears—never more to contend

        With its troubles—its sin, the most fearful of all.

He has gone just in manhood's meridian bloom,

        When his sun was just rising most brilliant & bright,

To the dismal, the dark, and oblivious tomb,

        From the friend of his heart—he, her soul and delight.

But the spirit has flown to those mansions above,

        Where the upright, the honest, the dutiful, blest,

Are commingling together in friendship and love,

        Where bles'd angels reside and the weary at rest.

Troy, April. 1842. M.

Daily Troy Budget. April 2, 1842: 2 col 6.

Dr James Lawrence Henry (1815-1842)

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