Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Hogmanay" by A.W. Loudon (1922)


The Scottish New Year's Eve Celebration Observed by the Troy Burns Club.

Come, Hieland lads, free oot the north,

And Lawland lassies, sally forth,

An' cantle callants frae Arbroath.

Come a' wha may,

Aye, a' wha honor Scottish birth

This Hogmanay.

Come, cled in claes that's aucht but braw,

Wi' clish-ma-claver, come awa',

Tae lowly cot an' lordly ha'.

We'll mak oor way,

And seek oer sup and bite frae a'

This Hogmanay.

The auld guid-wife will heed oor plea,

The auld guid-man join in oor glee,

As mem'ry turns tae monie a spree,

Noo far away,

When baith the auld guid-wife and he

Kept Hogmanay.

The nicht, awa' wi' aches an' pains.

May joy dispel a' grunts and grains,

Forget that we're but duddy weans

Cam oot tae play,

Let youthfu' daffin haud the reins

This Hogmanay.

Ye dure, douce cheils, fra lika pairt,

Let mirthful pleasure grip the hairt,

Love's genial glow its warmth impart,

As weel it may.

Join haun in haun, nor baud apart,

This Hogmanay.

Tae he wha feels himsel' aboon,

Tho' he misfit a kingly croon,

Mair worthy he a scornfu' froon

The least tae say,

But pity him, the senseless loon,

This Hogmanay.

                        —A. W. Loudon.

Troy Times. December 30, 1922: 5 col 3.

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