Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Alfred Mayell's Hats and Caps (1836)

ALFRED MAYELL, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has increased his stock of HATS AND CAPS, very considerably, and as his goods are all fresh, of the best materials and workmanship, as well as of the genteelest form, he feels confident he will be able to suit all those who will honor him with a call

        What effort of man—what production of art,

                To external appearance such grace can impart,

        Its an elegant HAT?—It has magic in truth,

                That makes the old young—adds much beauty to youth,

        And gives such a finish to DRESS as to throw

                A "shine" on the man—from the top to the toe.

        In short, there's a splendor in "Beavers," which he

                Who views must admire—☞Call at Mayell's and see!

                                Cannon's Row—Washington sq

Troy Daily Whig. August 24, 1836: 1 col 4.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"The Neglected Grave" by F. S. Fahnestock (1882)

The Neglected Grave.

Here lies ingratitude,

        All shroudless and cold;

Debased from beatitude,

        Shut from the fold.

Who could neglect it so,

        This home of the dead?

Perhaps here is buried woe,

        Hope having fled.

It may be that loveliness,

        Is lost 'neath the weeds;

Or purest devotedness,

        Dead with her deeds.

Oh! is it motherhood,

        Now clasping her child,

That died in its babyhood,

        Pure, undefiled?

Then trim the weeds away

        And plant lovely flowers;

And mellow the earth to-day,

        Ready for showers.

Who has humanity,

        Bright sparkling with tears;

Without chilling vanity

        And thoughtless sneers?

Hold up your wand of power;

        Let vandals not tread

Where the angels mark the hour

        And guard the dead.

                                F. S. FAHNESOCK

Troy Times. December 21, 1882: 6.

Monday, April 7, 2014

"Peace" by F. H. Hall (1885)


Men strive for gain, tho' nations rise and fall,

Heroes amain fo forth at country's call.

Fierce war doth rage, and passion rife

Rolls madly on in restless, eager strife.

When all is o'er, and vict'ry crowns the strong,

Burst forth the voices of the brave in song.

A leader bold doth say, "Let peace now reign,

Let tumult cease upon the land and main."

Then cometh peace, tho' only in a name;

For men by passion swayed still seek for fame.

In grief fall tears upon the soldier's grave;

Then honor we the living warriors brave.

In peace or war, men always strive for gain,

Nor feel one pang of grief for heroes slain.

Yet cometh peace, so say they all, and run

To gather spoils that victory hath won.

Our heroes soon forgot, tho' living still,

What care these men when gold their coffers fill!

Ah! vain, delusive dream! to think that peace can stay,

When men with greed for gain drive it away!

Throughout our land there came a joyful sound

When "silent warrior" said, "Let peace abound!"

But did peace come to hero old—and stay—

To sweeten life along time's rough pathway?

A nation! grief! A warrior gone! A mound!

Only through dark valley can peace be found.

        TROY, N.Y., May 30, 1885.

Troy Daily Times May 30, 1885: 1 col 2.